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Life Settlements 

Invest In Your Future 

Life Settlements - Ben Mohr, California


Are you looking into retirement or how to better manage and maximize your finances? This can begin at any age. Learning how to diversify your current nest egg while protecting your money from market loss is something Ben Mohr LLC can help you with!



Let us help you with your  process

At Ben Mohr LLC, we guide individuals through life settlements, Ben Mohr is a thought leader in his community and has been a leading individual in the Life Settlement industry for more than a decade. As one of the top sales agents in California, Ben’s insurance reputation has awarded him the opportunity to work with some of the most well-known life settlement companies in the state. That being said, clients have received up to millions of dollars in maturity payouts. After focusing most of his career on retirement planning, specializing in income planning and alternative investments, all while protecting clients from market loss, Ben Mohr LLC was created. Built around success and returns, Ben Mohr LLC helps clients, at any age, maximize finances and ensures future success with fiscal planning. â€‹

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